Perkins Mike

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ike Perkins is a comic book illustrator- At Marvel : Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Stephen King’s The Stand, Astonishing X-Men, Deathlok, Carnage and Iron Fist amongst many others . At DC : Green Lanterns, Lois Lane Dark Multiverse Crisis and, most recently, The Swamp Thing. He has been nominated numerous times for Eisner and Harvey Awards and, as well as winning the Eagle Award, counts being on the New York Times Bestseller list and being exhibited in Munich, London and Paris amongst his career achievements – as well as holding the Presidential role here at the Contern festival.
His website is :
Sélection d’albums:
– Swamp Thing
– Marvel Must-Have: Der Tod von Captain America
– Lois Lane – Ennemie du peuple
– Swamp Thing Infinite
– …